What I'm focused on now

July 15, 2024

Themes: family, Bitcoin, building, longevity


  • Working on something new—stay tuned.
  • Operating, advising, and investing in startups building on Bitcoin and the Lightning Network, including Bitvora, Orange Pill App, Synota, Zaprite, and with Lightning Ventures.
  • Actively participating in and supporting nostr’s development
  • Settling into a new home, and working every day to be a better husband and father.


  • Studying Ark, Cashu, and similar protocols as the Bitcoin layer 2 scaling debate heats up again
  • Experimenting with numerous generative AI tools and how to build private, offline systems with them


I keep a handful of books on the go—a few non-fiction and a sci-fi selection for nighttime reading.


My podcast selection is Bitcoin-heavy, mixed with macroeconomic trends and privacy, and delivered via the Lightning-powered Fountain app. And always new music.


“Problems that remain persistently insoluble should always be suspected as questions asked in the wrong way.” —Alan Watts

“Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.” —Henry David Thoreau

Inspired by Derek Sivers’ now page project

© 2024 Shawn Yeager. Made in Nashville.