- How to win the day when pitching a partnership
- Why empathy wins for building products that matter
- 3 Lessons on how to pitch your startup from Ben Folds' manager, Mike Kopp
- Outsourcing development? First, you need a blueprint.
- Consensus, leadership, and levers are how open standards thrive. They've eluded the music industry – until now.
- Unlocking the future of the music industry
- Music and tech — completely different animals?
- Nashville — the next music tech hub
- Microsoft, iPhone and digging new wells
- The music industry has a debt problem
- What the music business can learn from free-to-play
- Publishers, you're in the software business now.
- Why you need channel sales targets now
- Make it about the markets and the money
- Who you know isn't enough
- My talk at Gamercamp Lv3
- Want the deal? Push for it.
- Who owns your future?
- The 3 P's of partnerships
- Why your partnerships keep failing
- Pay your partners for performance
- Protect what you pitch
- Why wxclusivity is a four-letter word
- You got the meeting. Now what?
- Know your ecosytem
- The end of the Independent Software Vendor
- 9 Lessons I've learned about negotiation
- Help them help you: equipping your partners for success
- 5 keys to better biz dev
- Startups, channels and the importance of traction
- Are you partner-ready?